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Amazon Affiliates: I am a participant in the Amazon Affiliates Program. This program provides compensation for advertising for Amazon.com.  Having an Amazon.com link in a post does not influence my feelings towards that product and all opinions stated remain my own.

Amazon, as a third party, also tracks their advertising on my site and their links.

Sponsored Posts: A sponsored post is one that has been written in exchange for compensation. However, all opinions and beliefs expressed in a sponsored post are still entirely my own.

Teacher Turned Mom retains the rights to all activities and posts on the web site. Do not repost or republish any activities without written consent via email at teacherturnedmom@yahoo.com. Also, do not crop or edit any of my images without written consent.  Teacher Turned Mom is not responsible for any content from this web site that is republished onto other blogs or sites without permission.

This disclosure policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated March 24, 2017. Please email me with any question at teacherturnedmom@yahoo.com.


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